2013年10月17日 星期四

WiFi drops when MAC pro connected dual monitor by non apple branded display port adapter.

買了mac pro之後的使用經驗非常愉快,在PC桌機死亡之後更是完全取代了原本在windows上的工作,但是人生總是會有一些意外發生。
這樣想著便在網路上搜尋mac display port to DVI adapter.而貪小便宜的我想也知道不可能去買貴松松的原廠轉接頭,於是悲劇就這樣發生了。
咦...網路不通,ping gateway time out,久久才回應一次,難道是wifi掛了嗎?
還好家裡還有另外一台windows NB,連上網路拜請辜狗大神,居然也有人遇到和我相同的問題,用白牌adapter之後網路就掛點了。
wifi router channel 調整成10,channel和螢幕的關聯性是什麼?半信半疑之下試著改改看。


2013年5月17日 星期五








Besides, when you complain about anything I am not doing well, I hope you have a good understand in mind

That above all things not being satisfied, there is one thing which is what I reported last time the two female

coworkers in QA team they plugged out my wires and each other’s network connections or change my testing server

configurations intentionally. In many years working in US and Taiwan different organizations, I have never seen such things

Happened before(大概是因為你工作的公司資源充足不會有搶來搶去的狀況發生), no matter how people can be so rude or so irrational, I’ve never seen anyone at work would

Try to destroy other’s work or settings.(碼的...你掛掉我的電話就不是毀壞喔) Obviously these two folks have done so many times since I came. Whenever

Elf asking you to find out who did it on her device settings and see me the suspect of damaging her work, did you

Ever spend time to resolve the problem? This is indeed a serious issue happened at work. At the same time, she

Did the same thing to damage my settings and prohibit my using in LAB, though there is merely once I do the test in LAB

Environment. And I think more or less you have known in your eyes what 某某人(指名道姓的說了某人就是兇手) was doing behind. Almost every time I performed

the test in the LAB, these two folks just stretched their arms and fingers tried to obstacle my work to make me look so bad to

finishing my job smoothly. What an ugly shame having this kind of things happened in our team! And everyone just feel nothingwrong with it when heard about what happened here on these folks intentions, as long as the project can go on itself.

I don’t mean to against any of the expectation or rule in the team, and I hope everything can be followed the Software Life

Cycle and Development & QA Process better we can.(老實說台灣公司哪家能做到Follow Software Life Cycle我也滿懷疑的) Just hope we all have the clear understanding that what issue should

Be taken in the higher attention and priority to handle with and to make improvement, and hope the above problems will never

happen again in our team. Try to be fair to everyone in the team, that’s all I concern about.


請問這件事算是已經處理完了嗎? 這兩位Team Members經常在LAB裡面拔插我的網路線,竄改我的

測試設定,企圖阻擋干擾我工作的人,這樣的事情,在 Software Team 裡還會再繼續發生嗎? 之前幾個月

因為某 的專案大家都太忙,我不想在當時提出這些事.而今某公司已經告一個段落不那麼忙了, 我已經提出

好幾次了, 這個問題是不是可以拿出來請當事人徹底的面對處理一下,確定未來不會再發生在我們公司任何人
